My blog
Published on December 16, 2003 By Jimbobman In Blogging
Awhile ago, I told a girl I loved her, I shouldn’t have…she was beautiful and kind and I had a crush on her. I sent her an email and I was so desperate and I panicked and said things I shouldn’t have and didn’t mean to. I didn’t expect her to say what I wanted to hear, and her reply was what I expected. I don’t know what would have happened even if I hadn’t sent the email I know what I wanted to.

I was always afraid to ask her out, I am a year younger than her, me approaching 20 her approaching 21 now. Does she think I’m immature? does she like me? would she go out with me? were the kind of questions that used to run through my head. I a year older than when I sent her the email but I still think about her…sad maybe but you’ve never seen her.

Maybe this blog is similar to the email but I need to write this out, I’m sorry I sent the email and I still wish I could apologise to her and take her out for a nice meal and a date. You can call me weird and you can laugh I don’t mind. All I want is the chance to say sorry and have the chance to tell her how much it would mean to me if she would go out with me.

I don’t suppose anyone has a genie who grants wishes?

on Dec 16, 2003
don't feel dumb bud. If the bitch couldn't accept your real feelings, she doesn't know what love is. And when she does, she'll regret freaking out on you, because she'll realize how wonderful she was to you. Fuck her bud, there's mad fish in the sea.
on Dec 16, 2003
Hello there kind sir. I have had these similar situations burdened upon my soul. I wish i could offer a genie, but sadly...i can't, i can only off empathy and ask of you to consider my imput. As i am a girl who is, not to sound....self-consumed, but thought of as to be "wanted". i suppose. now, i've had people bet around the bush, and have had people UPFRONT like yourself, and nothing is more scary as that, but in the end is most wished upon as you could understand. When my courters have said, "i love you." i basically wanna kick em in the balls and say take it back. but....i dont. i back way and take time to re-arrange my thoughts, and i do realize just because i....."practice" the philosophy of Soticsim in a sense..well i guess im just tring to say, just because you did in my eyes the right thing(telling her your feelings), she may come to realize what a blessing your have bestowed upon her. An actual being not holding back their real feelings. That is an incredible yet frieghtening gift to have and to give. Thats truely special. Even though what i just said probably makes no sense, it helped organize my thoughts on simialar situations. so thank you very much.
on Dec 27, 2003
So what did you tell her in the email and what was her responce? You have me curious now. Hey I have a cute blonde neece about your age named Racheal. But you'd have to take a little trip to Ohio, to meet her, lol
Not impossible though. I met this lady online from Sidney Australia and she came to America and spent a whole week with me. We had a ball. It was the first time she had ever been out of Australia. GCJ
on Jan 29, 2004
Sure, give her my email ...., I think i have her reply somwhere but I dont know if I have what I said.
on Jan 29, 2004
Sure, give her my email ...., I think i have her reply somwhere but I dont know if I have what I said.